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OMBERSLEY. (L.M.) đ đ „ = 96. William Henry Gladstone (1840-1891).
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[By permission of Novello & Co, Ltd.]
See also Galilee, No. 115.
Oliver Wendell Holmes(1809-1894).
Lord of all being, throned afar, Thy glory flames from sun and star; Centre and soul of every sphere, Yet to each loving heart how near!
Our midnight is thy smile withdrawn, Our noontide is thy gracious dawn. Our rainbow arch thy mercy's sign; All, save the clouds of sin, are thine.
Sun of our life, thy quickening lay Sheds on our path the glow of day; Star of our hope, thy softened light Cheers the long watches of the night.
Lord of all life, below, above. Whose light is truth, whose warmth is love, Before thy ever-blazing throne We ask no lustre of our own.
Grant us thy truth to make us free And kindling hearts that burn for thee, Till ail thy living altars claim One holy light, one heavenly flame.