Page:The Up-to-Date Sandwich Book.djvu/79

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Cut brown bread into rounds with a cake cutter and lightly butter. Chop one-half pound of cold boiled mutton fine; add a dash of salt and pepper, two tablespoonfuls of olive oil, or melted butter. On the lower round of buttered bread place a small crisp lettuce heart that has been dipped in mayonnaise dressing. On top of that place a slice of tomato, then another slice of buttered bread, then the mutton mixture. Place on top another round of buttered bread and press the two together.


Grind through meat chopper the desired amount. To one cup of chopped meat add one tablespoonful of vinegar, one-half teaspoonful of mustard, one-half of a small onion chopped fine. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix to a paste with mayonnaise dressing, and place between thin slices of lightly buttered white bread. Garnish with a pickle.