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Padre Ignacio to know the best time of day to approach a man to get out of him what is desired. Even the governor has no brandy equal to this in his cellar, that is certain. Padre Ignacio told me it came from Barcelona, and has been fifty years in the wood."

"He will be so mellow he'll give our good padre the seal of his office if he wants it," Borromeo said. "Didn't I tell you, doña, there was nothing like it to make a man kind?"

"Let us hope so, Borromeo. They do not send back for more meat, it must be they are satisfied. If they want more, Diego can cut it; I am going to Gertrudis now. Go, then, Borromeo, and I will shut the door."

"May you open it with a light heart tomorrow, doña."

"Thank you, Borromeo."

Borromeo stood outside the door a moment while Doña Magdalena swung it almost shut, leaving only her face in the opening.

"The moon has been dragging through the ocean again, the under part of it has melted away," he said.

"But it will grow again, as always," she returned.

"Like a lady's heart, doña."

"So it is said. Good night, Borromeo."

"Doña, until the next sight."