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assembled now; he shall strike the first furrow with it in the land Gertrudis brings to him. Yes; that is so."

"The wedding is a month or more away yet; there will be plenty of time for your plow. But I shall not be here for their happy day."

"They will miss you, as I will miss you when my day comes, Doña Magdalena."

"Your day? What, Borromeo? have you found a lady?"

"A man wants to stay in California, after all, especially when Juan is to remain," Borromeo shied from the question bashfully.

"So you are to be married! And I wonder who the lady is? I am envious of her good fortune, dear Borromeo."

"Well, she isn't so much of a lady, little Maria——"

"Maria? Oh, she is as sweet as the morning!"

"She is half Castilian, anyway, and that is better than a man can expect in this country."

"She is the best girl in the village, such a housekeeper, so quick with the needle."

"She doesn't eat bugs, worms revolt her. A man can have a Christian home with her, doña."

"You will have the finest shirts, Borromeo! Maria is a treasure, you are a fortunate man."

"Yes, Padre Ignacio is going to release me when I am married at Christmas time. Then I am going to the pueblo and start a shop. There will be business for a man who knows his trade, Juan will speak