Martyrologies have 535, but S. Gregory of Langres was present that year at the Council of Clermont, and in 538 by his deputy, Evantius the priest, he signed the decrees of the third Council of Orleans. However since he did not appear at, nor send a deputy to the fourth Council of Orleans, 541, it is probably that the see was then vacant by his death.
- 101 He was murdered 8th May, 1079, and canonized in 1253.
- 102 Flos Sanctorum by Pedro de Ribadeneira, S.J.
- 103 Lives of the Saints, 1623, by Edward Kinesman.
- 104 Vita di S. Caterina di Bologna, by Fra Paleotti, O.M. The body of S. Catherine, which is still incorrupt, I have often venerated at the Convent of Poor Clares, Bologna.
- 105 La Santa di Firenze da una Religiosa del suo Monastero, Firenze, 1906. The incorrupt body of S. Maria Maddalena de Pazzi now lies under the High Altar of the Carmelite Convent, Piazza Savonarola, Florence.
- 106 Épaulard, Le Vampirisme, pp. 4-5.
- 107 It is said that an old blind man who used to beg in Regent Street, London, was to be identified with Hare. He at length became a charge on the parish in London, where he was sent since he had been born at Carlingford, Co. Louth, to the workhouse at Kilheel, Co. Down, and here he ended his days, being buried among the other paupers in the “Workhouse Banks.” The graves lie east and west, but Hare’s grave, owing, it is said, to the doctor’s directions, was dug north and south. This is a mark of infamy. It is unlucky to be buried on the north side of the churchyard, called the devil’s side, says Robert Hunt in his Popular Romances of the West of England, or the Drolls, Traditions and Superstitions of Old Cornwall, London, 8vo, 1865. It has been noted that graves facing north and south are found at Cowden (Kent) and Bergholt (Suffolk), and are reported to be the tombs of suicides.
- 108 Fr. Boas, “The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians,” Report of the U.S. National Museum for 1895, Washington, 1897; pp. 610 and 611.
- 109 G. M. Dawson, Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands, 1878; Montreal, 1880; pp. 125B; 128B.
- 110 Torquemada, Monarquia Indiana, lib. x. c. 14, vol. II, pp. 259 seq.; Madrid, 1723. See also Brassuer de Bourbourg, Histoire des Nations civilséco du Mexique et de l’Amérique Centrale, Paris, 1857-1859; vol. III, pp. 510-512.
- 111 Spencer and Gillen, Northern Tribes of Central Australia, pp. 473-475.
- 112 Boguet, Discours des Sorciers, c. xlvii. Lyons, 1603, p. 163.
- 113 A. Moll, Recherches sur la “libido sexualis,” Berlin, 1898, p. 701.
- 114 From Petworth House, Sussex. In Sotheby’s sale, 23 and 24 April, 1928.
- 115 1564-1632.
- 116 “Essai sur l’Anthropophagie,” par M. le Dr. Legrande du Saulle. Annales Medico-Psychologiques, 3me Series; t. viii; p. 472, July, 1862.
- 117 William Hilton Wheeler, Brigandage in South Italy, 1864.
- 118 Causes Célèbres, Paris, t. vii, p. 117.
- 119 Georget, Examen médical des procès criminels des nommés Léger, etc., 1825.
- 120 Cesare Lombroso, Verzeni e Agnoletti, Rome, 1873. There is a more recent study by Pasquale Ponta, I pervertimenti sessuali nel uomo e Vincenzo Verzeni strangalatore di donne, 1893.
- 121 Michéa, Union médicale, 17 juillet, 1849.
- 122 Brierre de Boismont: Gazette médicale, 21 juillet, 1849.
- 123 Baillanger, “Rapport du Dr. Bédor de Troyes”; Bulletins de l’Académie de médicine, 1857.
- 124 Vampirisme, pp. 20-37.
- 125 6me mille, pp. 236-245. It may be said Taxil’s evidence is suspect. But not upon these subjects. Moreover his statements find ample support in other writers.