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  • 95  Op cit., p. 26.
  • 96  London, 1926. c. vi. “Diabolic Possession and Modern Spiritism,” especially pp. 248–269.
  • 97  M. Pierart was a professor at the College of Maubeuse, and afterwards secretary to Baron du Potet. He founded La Revue Spiritualiste in 1858, and was esteemed as the rival of Allan Kardec. He died in 1878.
  • 98  Survival. By various Authors. Edited by Sir James Marchant, K.B.E., LL.D. Putnams, London and New York.
  • 99  See Schwicker, Geschichte des Temeser Banates, Nagy-Becskerek, 1861.
  • 100  Afanasief, Poeticheskiya Vozzryeniya Slaryan na Prirodu [“Poetic Views of the Slavonians about Nature”], 3 vols., Moscow, 1865–69, 8vo, vol. iii, p. 576, quotes Vuk Haradjic to this effect.
  • 101  Leone Allacci, De quorumdam Graecorum opinationibus, cap. xii, sqq.
  • 102  L. Strackerjan, Aberglaube und Sagen aus dem Herzogthum Oldenburg, Oldenburg, 1867, I, p. 154.
  • 103  M. Alex. Castron, Vorlesungen über die finnische Mythologie. St. Petersburg. 1853. p. 337.
  • 104  Shway Yoe (Sir T. G. Scott), The Burman; His Life and Notions, London, 1882, ii, p. 338. Captain C. J. F. S. Forbes, British Burma, London, 1878, p. 93.
  • 105  J. A. E. Köhler, Volksbrauch Aberglauben, Sagen und andre alle Überlieferungen im Voigtland; Leipzig, 1867, p. 251.
  • 106  Adolf Bastian, Die Mensch in der Geschichte. Leipzig, 1860. ii, p. 331.
  • 107  C. J. Anderson, Lake Ngami, Second Edition, London, 1856, p. 226.
  • 108  An old line runs: Ligna Crucis palma, cedrus, cupressus, oliva. The gipsies say that the Cross was of ash-wood. According to Wiliam Ellis, The Timber-tree Improved, London, 1738, 8vo, p. 178, there was a local belief in Herefordshire that the Cross was of service wood. Some think the Cross was of pine.
  • 109  Dictionnaire des Superstitions, Erreurs, Préjuges et Traditions populaires, Troisième et dernière Encyclopedie Théologique. 2 vols., 4to, 1855.
  • 110  The Voyage and Travails, first printed Westminster, 4to, 1499. A convenient edition is London, 8vo, 1725.
  • 111  Dioscorides, περὶ Ὕλης Ἰατρικῆς, De arte medica, I, 119, Ed. Sprengel, Leipzig, 1829–30.
  • 112  The scholiast on the Θηριακά (l. 861) of Nicander of Claros. Keil’s revision (1856) of the 1816 edition of Schneider, Leipzig.
  • 113  Diogenes Laertius, Uitae philosophorum, iv, 54–57. Ed. C. G. Cobet, Paris (Didot), 1878.
  • 114  The first quarto has no date, but is probably 1609–10. I quote from Dyce’s recension.
  • 115  La Fida Pastora. 12mo. Londoni, 1658, p. 21.
  • 116  E. S. Harland The Legend of Perseus, London, 1896. Vol. iii., p. 23.
  • 117  Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas au Levant. A la Haye. MDCCV. Vol. ii, p. 209.
  • 118  R. Pashley, Travels in Crete, Cambridge and London, 1837. Vol. ii, p. 201.
  • 119  Russian Folk Tales. London, 1873, p. 323.
  • 120  Cf. c. vii. p.
  • 121  The Cardinal Bishop of Olmutz gave Gioseppe Davanzati, Archbishop of Trani, the following account of the methods of dealing with vampires in his German diocese. Tribunals were summoned to take information and decide upon the course of action. “I ministri di questi predendone esatta informazione, e formandone un giuridico processo ne vengono ad una sentenza finale contro al sudetto Vampiro, mediante la quale viene solennemente e con tutte le formole legali decretato: che il publice Carnefice portandosi al luogo, ove si trova il Vampiro, apra il sepolcro, e con una sciabla o larga spada a vista di tutto il popolo spettatore recida il Vampiro il capo, e dopo con una lancia gli apri il petto, e trapassi col ferro da parte a parte il cuore del Vampiro strappandoglielo dal seno e poi ritorni di nuovo a chuidere l’avello. In tai maniera, mi disse il Porporato, cessava affatto di più comparire il