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the wound did not after all prove fatal, whereupon “Rutwen, mes desirs sent remplis” cries Aubray, “nous allons être frères” (Ils s’embrassent). Lovette a farmer’s daughter of the Marsden estate is to wed Edgar, and Rutwen graciously presents himself at the marriage feast. As Lord of the Manor he is received with every respect and homage, but he immediately proceeds to attempt Lovette’s virtue. Oscar “un viellard dont la tête vénérable inspire le respect. Sa démarche a quelque chose d’imposant et de mystérieux,” has already warned the maiden, and she coldly avoids such ardent importtunities. Whilst Rutwen is actually pursuing the coy lass who shuns his embrace, Edgar in a fury fires a pistol at the seducer and he falls crying, “Je meurs.” Aubray hastening to the spot is barely in time to receive him in his arms, and with dying lips Rutwen adjures him to swear the following oath. “Promets-moi que Malvina ne saura point ce qui m’est arrivé; que tu ne feras rien pour venger ma mort avant que la première heure de la nuit n’ait sonné. Jure-moi le secret sur ce coeur expirant.” Aubray much moved cries, “Je te le jure,” and as Rutwen expires they lay the body gently on the ground. “Àce moment on voit la lune planer entièrement sur le corps de Rutwen, et éclairer les glaçons de la montagne. La toile tombe.”

Act III. “représente un grand vestibule gothique, la porte de la chapelle se voit au fond.” Oscar solemnly utters words of warning to Brigitte, who is already full of fears which are not unnoticed by Malvina. When Aubray meets his sister she speaks joyfully of her marriage but as he is about to tell her of the fatal happening suddenly Rutwen appears and seizing his arm “lui dit d’une voix sombre: ‘Songe à ton serment’!” Aubray now realizes that there is some horrid secret and displays violent emotion crying out in broken tones; “Éloigne-toi fantome! … ma soeur … dérobe-toi, aux poursuites de ce monstre … il te dira qu’il est ton époux … refuse ton serment … cet hymen est un crime!” At length he is carried off by the servants who fear that he has lost his senses, an idea Rutwen encourages. In spite of this disorder the bridegroom now hotly presses on the nuptials; the great doors are opened “et laisse voir la chapelle éclairée,” Rutwen and Malvina approach the altar. With a wild cry Aubray rushes in to intercept the ceremony,