Page:The Van Roon (IA thevanroon00snaiiala).pdf/104

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A little later in the day Uncle Si came into the back kitchen where June was at work. It seemed that he had an announcement to make.

"Niece, there's a piece of news for you. I've decided to take Mrs. Runciman back."

June saw no reason why Mrs. Runciman should not be taken back. Indeed, she would welcome the return of the charwoman. It would certainly reduce the burden of her own labours which was by no means light.

"You and I are not going to hit it off, I can see that. Already there's been too much of your interference. Next thing you'll upset that boy. And I wouldn't have that happen—not for a thousand pounds. So I think the best thing I can do is to take Mrs. Runciman back, and get her to find you a job."

"For me!" said June slowly. "Mrs. Runciman find a job for me!"

"If she comes you'll have to go. I can't afford to keep a couple o' women eating their heads off. The times don't run to it."

"What sort of a job do you expect a charwoman to find for me?" June asked, biting her lip.

"She may know of somebody who wants a domestic help. As far as I can see, you are not fitted for anything else."

That was true enough, as June felt with a sharp