Page:The Vedanta-sutras, with the Sri-bhashya of Ramanujacharya.djvu/99

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6 SRI-BHASHYA. [Chap. I. Part. /.

there is non-return, according to scripture "--[ Vcd. Snt. IV. 4. 22.], has a certain order of sequence (in the treatment of its subject) in accordance with the peculiarity of the topics dealt with (therein).

Accordingly, by the statement " The Veda (Swadhydya) has to be learnt" Taitt. Ar. II. 15.], the mental reception, by means of oral recitation, of the collection of syllables known as the Veda, which is denoted by the word Swddhydya, is enjoined in the very beginning. And if it be asked, " Of what nature is that learning through oral recitation and how is it to be gone through ?" we reply as follows : The requirements (for learning the Vedas) are enjoined by means of this passage, viz. " A Brahmana of eight years of age should be initiated (as a Vedic student) and be taught (to repeat the Vedas) "[Sat. Br. ?] ; as also by means of the teaching about special preparatory and purificatory ceremonies and restrictions (as to time, place, food, &c.) such as are laid down in this passage among others, viz. " Having, according to scriptural injunctions, made preparations to begin (to learn the Vedas) either (on the full moon day) in the month of Srdvana (/'. e. July-August) or (on the full moon day) in the month of Praushthapada (/. c. August-September), and having become fitted (therefor), a Brahmana should learn the Vedas for four months and a half." Manu. IV. 95.]. Thus it is understood that learning the Vedas turns out to be the mental reception of a collection of syllables, and consists in their recitation by the teacher followed by the after-recitation (of the pupil), who is in the habit of observing special preparatory and purificatory ceremonies and restrictions, and who has been initiated by a teacher born of noble lineage, accustomed to pious observances, possessed of spiritual qualities, and also having a thorough know-