Page:The Vicomte de Bragelonne 2.djvu/249

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"But, sire--"

"Yes, I know very well that Monk calls you his friend. But he has too penetrating an eye not to have a memory, and too lofty a brow not to be very proud, you know, grande supercilium."

"I certainly will learn Latin," said D'Artagnan to himself.

"But stop," cried the merry monarch; "I must manage your reconciliation; I know how to set about it; so "

D'Artagnan bit his mustache. "Will your majesty permit me to tell you the truth?"

"Speak, chevalier, speak."

"Well, sire, you alarm me greatly. If your majesty undertakes the affair, as you seem inclined to do, I am a lost man; the duke will have me assassinated."

The king burst forth into a fresh roar of laughter, which changed D'Artagnan's alarm into downright terror.

"Sire, I beg you to allow me to settle this matter myself, and if your majesty has no further need of my services "

"No, chevalier. What, do you want to leave us?" replied Charles, with a hilarity that grew more and more alarming.

"If your majesty has no more commands for me."

Charles became more serious.

"One single thing. See my sister, the Lady Henrietta. Do you know her?"

"No, sire, but — an old soldier like me is not an agreeable spectacle for a young and gay princess."

"Ah! but my sister must know you; she must, at her need, have you to depend upon."

"Sire, every one that is dear to your majesty will be sacred to me."

"Very well! Parry! Come here, Parry!"

The lateral door opened, and Parry entered, his face beaming with pleasure as soon as he saw D'Artagnan.

"What is Rochester doing?" said the king.

"He is upon the canal with the ladies," replied Parry.

"And Buckingham?"

"He is there also."

"Thatis well. You will conduct the chevalier to Villiers; that is, the Duke of Buckingham, chevalier; and beg the duke to introduce Monsieur d'Artagnan to the Princess Henrietta."

Parry bowed, and smiled to D'Artagnan.

"Chevalier," continued the king, "this is your parting audience: you can afterward set out as soon as you please."