Page:The Vicomte de Bragelonne 2.djvu/422

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the money. After which he went out. Scarcely had the door closed after him, when Fouquet, who had remained motionless, advanced with a rapid step, and stood between the abbe and Gourville. Both of them at the same time opened their mouths to speak to him. "No excuses," said he, "no recriminations against anybody. If I had not been a false friend I should not have confided to any one the care of delivering Lyodot and D'Eymeris. I alone am guilty; to me alone are reproaches and remorse due. Leave me, abbe."

"And yet, monsieur, you will not prevent me," replied the latter, "from endeavoring to find out the miserable fellow who has intervened for the advantage of Monsieur Colbert in this so well-arranged affair; for, if it is good policy to love our friends dearly, I do not believe that is bad which consistsin pursuing our enemies with inveteracy."

"A truce to policy, abbe ; be gone, I beg of you, and do not let me hear any more of you till I send for you; what we most need is circumspection and silence. You have a terrible example before you, gentlemen; no reprisals, I for- bid them." — "There are no orders," grumbled the abbe, "which will prevent me from avenging a family affront upon the guilty person."

"And I," cried Fouquet, in that imperative tone to which one feels there is nothing to reply, "if you entertain one thought, one single thought, which is not the absolute ex- pression of my will, I will have you cast into the Bastile two hours after that thought has manifested itself. Regu- late your conduct accordingly, abbe."

The abbe colored and bowed. Fouquet made a sign to Gourville to follow him, and was already directing his steps toward his cabinet, when the usher announced with a loud voice: "Monsieur le Chevalier d'Artagnan."

"Who is he?" said Fouquet, negligently, to Gourville.

"An ex-lieutenant of his majesty's musketeers," replied Gourville, in the same tone. Fouquet did not even take the trouble to reflect, and resumed his walk. "I beg your pardon, monseigneur!" said Gourville, "but I have remem- bered ; this brave man has quitted the king's service, and probably comes to receive a quarter of some pension or other/" — " Devil take him! " said Fouquet, " why does he choose his time so ill?"

"Permit me, then, monseigneur, to announce your re-