Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/15

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powers. It lies with you. Is the reward a sufficient recompense? If so, begin the work prescribed here at once, for he is no miracle worker. He does not offer you powers, worth more than all the money in the universe, in a few dollars' worth of powders or pills. You must work for such rewards. There is nothing on earth of real value which is acquired without labor, and the powers of manhood are no exception to this rule. You must bring about your own cure.

The writer desires to say in conclusion, that it is impossible for him to give special advice in individual cases. If this book is carefully studied there should be absolutely no need of this. He has found, usually, that those who desire special advice, simply wish to avoid the study necessary in forming accurate conclusions as to the proper treatment in their cases. He has endeavored to meet every possible contingency that will appear in ordinary cases, and though he is aware that every-