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versally among young men in all civilized countries. (See chapter on Promiscuous Intercourse.) This habit is not practiced long without severe suffering. Some one of the diseases which is the terrible penalty for this plain infraction of Nature's laws is sure to be contracted. Then the torture of body and of mind is terrible. Visions of complete loss of manhood confront him. He may have had dreams of a home, surrounded by a loving wife, and happy, beautiful children. He realizes with stinging keenness the fact that these diseases may forever destroy the possibility of the realization of this beautiful dream. (See chapter on these diseases.) Though many fall by the wayside, the majority get through these last-named contaminating conditions with enough vital and sexual strength to look with favor on marriage.


The girl that such a man marries is usually weak and possesses but little instinct of sex, and then sexual excess begins its frightful ravages on the physical man. (See chapter on Sexual Excess.)