Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/50

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such emissions, occurring once in every ten or fourteen days, are in the nature of a safety valve, and are even conducive to health in persons who do not take enough exercise, and live generously. It would, however, be better for the adult to be free even from these; and I feel convinced that in one who has not allowed himself to dwell on sexual thoughts, but takes strong bodily exercise, and lives abstemiously, emissions will either not occur, or their occurrence may be looked for only very rarely. It is only when the losses or escapes take place repeatedly, attended by symptoms of prostration, with other ill consequences, that the patient should seek medical advice." — Dr. Acton.

Of course where the losses are of frequent occurrence they unquestionably depreciate the general vital powers, and means should be adopted to lessen their frequency. Of the means necessary for the accomplishment of this we will enter into further along in this chapter.


These excessive nocturnal losses usually follow the habit of masturbation, and practi-