Page:The Voyage Of Italy Or A Compleat Journey through Italy, The Second Part.pdf/232

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The Voyage
in Law) his own beloved wife Stratonica; shewing by this strange and Unick example, that paternal love is greater then Conjugal. All this is rarely painted upon the wall over the Hangings.A Rare sute of Hangings. In another chamber (the Great Dukes chamber of Audience) I saw a Sute of Hangings valUed at a hundred and fifty thousand crownes: The Ground of them is Cloth of Gold, upon which are embrodered a world of Birds, Beasts, Flowers, Trees, Rivers, Land-skips in silk and silver; and in such a rich manner, that I take this to be one of the fairest Sutes of Hangings in Europe. In another chamber here, I saw a rare collection of Pictures, all Originals, and of the best hands in the World, Titians, Raphaels, Michael Angelo's, Andrea del Sarto's, and many others. The best of them is that of Raphael, and painted by his one hand. This is the best collection of Pictures that ever I saw, and it belongs to Prince Leopold the Great Dukes Brother, and a great Virtuoso. In the Great Dutchesses chamber, I saw
