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The Voyage
would be turned up-side down one day; so this Architect thought that the World would be turned inside out one day, and that then his Church would be the fairest in the World, and all lined with Marble: As it is, it looks a little hypocritically; though the Structure within be of a notable contrivance. On the top of it stands mounted a fair Cupola (or Tholus) made by Brunelleschi a Florentine.The Cupola. This was the first Cupola in Europe; and therefore the more admirable for having no Idea after which it was framed; and for being the Idea of that of S. Peters in Rome, after which so many young Cupolas in Rome, and elsewhere, have been made since. Hence it is said, that Michael Angelo coming now and then to Florence (his Native Country) whiles he was making the Cupola in Rome of S. Peters Church, and viewing attentively this Cupola of Florence, used to say to it; Come te non voglio: meglio di te non posso. Its said also, that Brunelleschi making this Cupola caused Ta-
