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The Voyage of Italy Page 250

ed, that he had seen all, but a SedeVacante, as if he had said 5 Holy Father, I have seen all the fine sights of Rome, but your death. A horrible Tramontane compliment, which put even the Pope himself to a ſmile.

As for the shows, I saw diverse,both Sacred and profane. As the wipping proceaaions in the holy week.

The great procession from S. Marcello's Oratory to S. Peters Church upon Monday Thursday in the holy year. then Spanish Procession in Piazza Navona upon Easter day in the morning in the Holy year. The Procession of the Zitelle upon our Lady's day in Lent. The Procession of the Priests of the Oratory upon shrove tuesday to the seven Churches; with five or six thousands persons following of them, all whom they treat in an open field, giving every one a couple of hard eggs, and a slice of salsigia, with bread and wine. The several Cavalcatas of the Pope and Cardinals. The Spanish Cavalcata upon S. Peters Eve , when the Spanish Embassador presents the purse of gold, and the Gennet. The Girandola and fire works upon S.