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The Voyage

even now in a feast, dyed: soon af- ter of hunger; having firlt feen his children and nephews dye of hunger in his armes. A rare example to teach proud men, that there’s often but one day between a powerfad man aud 2 poor man; between a great Feafanda great Fat, Herein Pifa were called two Councils,’ the one 1409, the other 1511.

From Pifa we went to Ligern, ( Portus Libsrnus in Latin through a pleafant Forreft. This is the onely haven the Great Duke hath; and the mouth which letteth in that food which fatteneth this State. We flayed not long here, the feafon prefling us to be gone, and this town being foon feen. For the ‘town its ‘but fittle, yet one of the jneateft haven towns a mancan fee, Heretofore it was not fufferable by ‘reafon of the bad air, “but fince Ferdinand the firft builtit anew and dryed vp theneighboring Fens (gae thering much of the water into a cor channel, which goes from hencero Pifa, and carryes great

boats) the Town isiw.ce as whole-
