Page:The Voyage Of Italy Or A Compleat Journey through Italy, The Second Part.pdf/434

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The Voyage
and which the Oracle affured was not to 'be ftopt' up but. by cafting jatoic che moft pretious thing in Rome. Hereupon the Ladies threw in theis.beft Jewels; and the Noblemen, every one what he had the moft pretious, but all in vain. Ac latt Certins a brave young nobleman, thinking that there was nothing more pleafant than a gallant man; mounting on horfeback in a brave equipage, in fight of all the people, jumpt into this Lake alive, as a victime devoted tohis countiies fervice; and the hole hereupon clofed.; I 'confefs. a brave Cavalier is a pretious jewel indeed: and I remember thata Roman Lady having fhewed her jewels to Cormelia the mother of the Greecb?, and having defired her to thew alfo her jew cls, fhe called for hertwo young fons (brave youths) and faid; here Madam, are my jewels:and in my opinion, Curiins was fomewhat vain glorious, to think bimfe a" tobe the bravelt man in the City: it the yotes and judgment
