Page:The Voyage Of Italy Or A Compleat Journey through Italy, The Second Part.pdf/441

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of Italy.

ple of Concord. built by Camillus, and not far from henee, three other pillarsof neat Fabrick which belonged tothe Temple of Jupiter Tonans, Thundering Fupiter, built there by Awguftus Cefar, after he had efcaped a thunderclap which killed his Litter man clofe by him.:'

Arriving at the Capitol, I was glad to fee that place fo famous in) the Remax ftory.1ts name of Capitol "" eame from the Head of a man(caput in Latin) found underground when they firft Jaid the foundation here '/ of the Temple of Fupiter Capitolinus. Fufius Lypfius, as if he had been the Godfather of that man whofe head was found here, faith, that hisname was Jolus, and that from Capur Toli came Capitolium. This head found here portended, that Rome fhould one day be the head of the world. And this title is fo univerfally known to belong to Rome, that all authors afirm it, and every petty artifan in Rome, will tell you fo, though in falfe Latin, as one
