Page:The Voyage Of Italy Or A Compleat Journey through Italy, The Second Part.pdf/492

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The Voyage

ly through the ftreets with great cloakbags behind them as if they camefrom Polonia. Some Princes here make glorieus Carro'y, with 4 horfes on a breaft drawing them , and with rare Pageants upon them, and a great train of horfemen and trumpeters clad exotically, accom- panying the Carro in a moftglo- rious manner. Some noblemenof hig heft quality,as Dukes, and Prin- ces, I have {een going a foot pelting with fugar plums thofe that were in coaches and windows; and anger- ing them with their fugar affronts. But never didany Mafearade pleafe like that fpeculative Italian who mocked both the French and the Spaniards at once by walking up and down the fireet clad half like a Don, and half like a Monfieur. One fide of his hair hung down in a long curled lock powdered white: the other fide was black and {weaty. Half of his beard was turned down- wards: the other half was turned up with irons atid twirled in like the hilt of an old dagger, One eyewas