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Finding himself again unanswered, he rather angrily raised his voice, saying, "What, I suppose you don't understand English now? Though you were pretty quick at it when we were leaving you in the lurch! Faith, that's convenient enough!"

"For all I have been silent so long," cried the old sea officer, "it has not been for want of something to say; and I ask the favour that you won't any of you take it ill, if I make free to mention what has been passing, all this time, in my mind; though it may rather have the air of a hint than a compliment; but as I own to being as much in fault as yourselves, I hope you won't be affronted at a little plain dealing."

"You are mighty good to us, indeed, Sir!" cried Mrs. Maple, "but pray what fault have you to charge Me with, amongst the rest?"

"I speak of us in a body, Madam, and, I hope, with proper shame! To think that we should all get out of that

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