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( 38 )

alike in our faces? No. Happily, however, that soporiferous monotony is beginning to get obsolete. The sublimity of Revolution has given a greater shake to the minds of men, than to the kingdoms of the earth."

After pausing, then, a few minutes, "Ellis," she cried, "if you are really embarrassed, why should you not go upon the stage? You know how transcendently you act."

"That which might seem passable in a private representation," Juliet answered, "might, at a public theatre—"

"Pho, pho, you know perfectly well your powers. But you blight them, I suppose, yourself, with anathemas, from excommunicating scruples? You are amongst the cold, the heartless, the ungifted, who, to discredit talents, and render them dangerous, leave their exercise to vice, by making virtue fear to exert, or even patronize them?"

"No, Madam, indeed," cried Juliet: "I admire, most feelingly, the noble