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( 78 )

"Well, I'm only sorry, Ma'am, I did not drive you myself; but I had not the pleasure of your acquaintance then, Ma'am; for 'twas before of our acting together."

The surprise of the listening old gentleman now altered its expression, from earnest curiosity to suppressed pleasantry, and he leant against his door, to take a pinch of snuff, with an air that denoted him to be rather waiting for some expected amusement, than watching, as heretofore, for some interesting explanation.

Juliet, in discerning the passing change in his ideas, became more than ever eager to return the purse; yet more than ever fearful of misconstruction from young Gooch; whom she now, with encreased dissatisfaction, begged to lose no time in acquainting Mr. Tedman, that business only ever took her from home.

"Why, that's but moping for you, neither, Ma'am," he answered, in a tone of pity. "You'd have double the spirits