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representative on the ground, became inactive. England was even less responsive. While many British subjects, particularly the correspondence of the London Times at Mexico (e.g. Times, Sept. 9, 1845), felt that England should take California, the British government, though doubtless extremely anxious that the territory should not fall into the possession of the United States, refused to move or countenance any move in that direction. December 31, 1844, the Foreign Office wrote to Consul Barror at Tepic, Mexico, who had charge of Vice Consul Forbes at San Francisco that in the California agitation the British agents were to be entirely passive, and that the idea of a British protectorate could not be countenanced, adding that the authorities of California "should be clearly made to understand that Great Britain would view with much dissatisfaction the establishment of a protectoral power over California by any other foreign State." Other documents bearing on the subject are the following. 13Forbes to Barron, Sept. 5, 1844. Kennedy in London Times, June 18, 1841. 13Pakenham, nos. 91, Aug. 30, 1841; 61, July 21 1842. 13To Id., Dec. 15, 1841. Bankhead, nos. 74, July 30, 1845 73, May 30, 1846. 13To Bankhead (exactly in line with the despatch addressed to Barron on the same day), nos. 53, Dec. 31, 1844; 18, May 31 1845; 16, June 1; 4, Aug. 15, 1846. 108Ashburton to Sturgis, Apr. 2 1845 ("we certainly do not want colonies, and least of all such as would be unmanageable from this distance, and only serve to embroil us with our neighbours"). 13Mora to Palmerston, Dec. 15, 1847. London Times, Oct. 6, 1845. 12For. Off. to Admty., June 19, 1846. Webster Writings, xviii, 192. 12Seymour to Admty., Apr. 27, 1846. Monitor Repub., Apr. 16, 1846. 52Everett, Mar. 28, 1845. Gordon, Aberdeen 183. Smith, Annex. of Texas, 155, 230, 417. Mackintosh, Brit. consu at Mex., proposed to place 500,000 European colonists in California it twenty years (13to Bankhead, July 26, 1845) with a view to turning ove to England the control of the province (13Bankhead, no. 73, May 30, 1846) Paredes promised to give "every possible facility" for the execution of this plan (13Bankhead, no. 73), but the British government would no take it up.

9. Mexican rule to the end of 1845. 13Forbes, nos. 1, Oct. 19, 1843 2, Jan. 26, 1846. Boston Advertiser, Sept. 26, 1842. Nat. Intelligencer May 11, 1844. London Times, Aug. 6; Oct. 6; Nov. 11, 1845; Mar. 13 1846. Revue de Paris, Jan., 1849. 77Almonte, nos. 84, P., July 16 153, P., Dec. 12, 1844. 13Barron, May 5, 1837; Feb. 18, 1845. 13Id., to Seymour, Jan. 28, 1845. 13Pakenham, nos. 13, 1837; 66, 1840; 91 1841; 2, 1842. 13Doyle, no. 79, 1843. 13Bankhead, nos. 108, 1844 31, 52, 113, 1845; 73, 1846. Paredes, address on opening Cong., June 6 1846 (Diario). Mobile Commercial Register, June 13, 1843. Diario, Mar. 27; June 3; Aug. 21, 1845. Wash. Globe, May 29; Oct. 21, 1845 Amigo del Pueblo, Aug. 14, 1845. St. Louis New Era, Aug. 20, 1845 Memphis Eagle, Oct. 1; Nov. 5, 1845. 52Black, Sept. 2, 1845. Britannia May 15, 1847. 52Virmond to Jones, Feb. 4, 1837. 52Larkin, nos. 9 Aug. 18; 11, Oct. 30; 12, Dec. 9, 1844; 16, Jan. 1; 1, Mar. 22; 2, Mar. 22 20, Mar. 24; 25, July 10; 26, Sept. 29, 1845. 247Stearns to Larkin May 14, 1846. 52Parrott, Aug. 26, 1845. 12Blake to Seymour, July 9 1846. 12Seymour, June 13. Otero, Cuestión Social, 117. Giménez Memorias, 90. México á través, iv, 404. 52Burroughs to Ellis, Jan. 10 1837. 77Castillo, no. 119, 1835. (Simpson) Amer. Hist. Rev., xiv, pp. 88-9. Memoria de . Relaciones, Mar., 1845. Royce, Calif., 203