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A variant of the foregoing story, (The Instrument), is to be found in Le Moyen de Parvenir (Béroalde de Verville). The editors of Kruptadia draw attention to it, quoting the following extract:

The simpleton husband Hauteroue, while futtering his wife, remarked:—

"What a labour it is, my love!"

"I am not surprised," quoth she. "Thou dost work with a bad implement."

"I should have a better had I the money."

"Let not that hinder thee; I will give thee the money on the morrow."

When the husband received his money, he set out to enjoy himself; then he went to bed with his wife, whom he pleasured well.

"Ho! my love!" said she. "This implement is as good as the one thou hadst. But, love, what hast done with the other?"

"I have thrown it away, my love."

"Bah! Thou hast made a great mistake. 'Twould have served for my mother!"