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themselves to admire it, and then, taking the hand of each one of them, I procured for them a considerable pleasure; but, in the course of this labour, an abundant emission on my part caused them great amazement.

"'Tis its speech," said I. "The speech of the great creator of men."

"'Tis delicious!" cried Helène, laughing at the term 'speech.'

"I, too, have the power of speech," said Hedvige, "and I will show it thee, if thou wilt wait a moment."

"Put thyself in my hands, sweet Hedvige. I will spare thee the trouble of making it come thyself, and I will do it better than thee."

"I well believe it. But I have never done that with a man."

"Nor I," said Helène.

When they had placed themselves directly before me, their arms enlaced, I made them swoon away afresh. Then, having seated ourselves, what time my hand strayed all over their charms, I let them divert themselves at their leisure, till in the end I moistened their palms with a second emission of the natural moisture, which they examined curiously on their fingers.

Having once again put ourselves in a state of decency, we passed yet another half hour in exchanging kisses, after which I told them that they had rendered me partially happy, but, to make the work perfect, that I hope they would devise a means of granting me their first favours. Then I showed them those perservative sachets wich the English have invented in order to rid the fair sex