Page:The Way of the Cross, Doroshevich, tr. Graham, 1916.djvu/165

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At the relief points where the Russians are working, I ask:

—What are you cooking?

Borshtch.[1] Shtchee.[2] Soup.

But the Poles are cooking Polish dishes.

—We cook as they cook for the labourers on the large farms, explains a Polish official, simply.

And the fugitives from Polish provinces like these relief points better.

At the relief points they give:

—According to the certificates.

It is necessary to show the certificate of the head man of the village:

—In such and such a family so many souls; so many grown-ups, so many children.

—And if the certificate is wanting?

A young Polish sister in a white ker-

  1. Borshtch is a soup made from beetroot, tomato, beef, etc.
  2. Shtchee, the well-known Russian cabbage soup.