Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/239

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greatest, then the Keeper said " the yeas have it, let it be order'd." My Lord Anglesea rise up and desired the question might be put, whether that shou'd stand part of the address. The Lords of the other side said no such question cou'd be put after once the Keeper had said let it be order'd. My Lord Anglesea insist'd that till the Keeper had said " as many as are content, say content, and as many as are not, say not content," and this saying " yeas have it," without divideing the house wou'd not do, whilist there was any Lord wou'd say he had said no. My Lord Rivers, Lord Carmarvene, said they had said no, upon wch the house divided. They that were for having the advise part of the address was order'd without the bar, and they that staid in the house saw they wou'd loose several they had the day before, cry'd yeild, th' others cry'd tell, tell, so that for some time there was a great noise in the house. The Keeper appointed two tellers.

Lord Abington and Lord Sunderland ; Lord A wou'd not

tell because those of his part said yeild, Lord Sunderland said if he did not do his duty he wou'd his, and tell without him, and so begun. But they that wou'd not be told hop'd and skipt about, wch was sport for us that were spectators. The house of Commons was up soon that day, so there was a great many ; wch made some Lords appoint that the orders of their house might be read in order that nobody shou'd come into the house but Lords, wch was read a Munday. The Queen has show'd her liking of the Commons' address better then the Lords by ordering them to attend her first, the dissenting Lords went with the Commons yesterday, and the address of the Lords was not so Avell attended as was expected to-day. But it is very doubtful! what to make of

this business for people know that my Lord T to be a

very adroit and able man do say he cou'd not have been so out of his computation without some further fetch that we poor mortals can't dive into. They say the Duke of Sum- mcrsctt, just by the Queen, call out louder for the question then anybody, and was not only content with that and a proxcy he gave that way, but pulled out the Duke of Cleveland with him ; and yet he keeps his place.

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