Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/382

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and lord Bullingbrook. After the letters had been read, Lord Halifax said he observed that one of the secreetarys had treated the affair of the Catalians with seriousness to the Honour of the Queen and himself, using this Expression that the Queen thought herself bound in honour and conscience to see they had their just rights and previledges granted them, but th' other secretary treated the matter as a jest and ridiculous.

Lord Bullingbrook answer'd with some warmth that the Lord mistook the matter, for where he used the word Ridiculous 'twas to Count Zinsendorf who wou'd throw the whole care of those people upon us, after the Emperor had given them up, wch you may perceive the Queen hints at in her answer to the lords' Address.

Yesterday Lord Angelsea surprised most of the house by declaring to this effect, that he was drawn in to be for the cessation of Armes by all the solem promises and protes- tations that 'twould be a glorious Peace, but time had show'd him to the contrary, and as I am told said a great many sever things upon that subject. The Duke of Argile was very smart, wch was to be expected from him, for you know Lord Dundonal has his troop. After all their wrangling we carried it by 13 that the Hanover succession was not in danger under her Majesty's administration, tho' Lord Angel- sea, Lord Abington, the Bishop of York, and Lord Asburnham devided against us, but I send you a letter inclosed that will give you a better account so I'll conclude.

I must tell you one thing more that Lord Wharton after

the business was over said in the Hearing — Lord T you

carried it by your Dosen.*

London, 4^r// 9, 1 7 14. Dear Brother,

Yesterday we courtiers thought we carried matters bravely, for we had four stragling lords return'd to us — Lord

  • The twelve new peers (of whom Lord Bathurst was one) created at

the beginning of the year 17 12 to strengthen the Government.

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