Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/440

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night last 'tis said the king and Prince sup't with the Duke

of M . They walk't in the Garden, and of a sudden

sHp't from the Company over to the Duke's, where 'tis said his Grace made the Prince an offer of the house and show'd him how it might be easily be joint to the King's house by a Gallery. There's no change of the admiralty, but 'tis reported 'twill be next week. Mr. Lechmore is difficult to please, but Sir Joseph Jekeel will be first provided for.

London, October i, 17 14. Dear Brother,

Before this noe doubt but you have heard what places have been given besides those that have been reported to be given. My Lord Orford has been said to be a going out of town dissatisfied that he had not the nomination of the lords of the Admiralty. But this day 'tis said he has carried his point and order'd to stay, and that he's so generous as to desire no more then the rest of them, and insists that there shou'd be six besides himself You have heard that the council was dissolved and to day they have nam'd them anew. All that I inquired about was if you was left out, and I am told by one of the clerks that you were. The Bishop of London is in, but they say that's because of his great diocess here and being Bishop of all the forreign plantations.

Cadogan is declar'd Master of the robes, and is said will be made an Irish Lord. I was with the King a Wednesday last at Kingsenton and walked all over the Gardens with him, and after all over the lodgings, both wch he lik't very well. The King took us at a surprise, his coachs were order'd at three quarters of an hour warranting, but I was more ready then his Grace of Sommerset, who came before the Gold Staff wch was Lord Asburnham, so that the King went alone in the coach with the Duke of Sommerset. I sent to know of the Duke if he wou'd have me ride or go in the leading coach, as King William's Querrys did when the King did not ride himself He sent me word I must ride, so I did, but after I was off a horse back I was every where with him. I find people are not sattisfied, for the Whigs fall out among

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