Page:The West Indies, and Other Poems.djvu/61

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The Moravian Brethren. — Their Missions in Greenland. North America, and the West Indies. — f hrisHan Nesroes — I'he Advocates of the Negroes in England, — Granville *harpe, — Ctaiksoi', — 1\ i'berforce, — Pitt, — Foi, — T/ie Nation itself. •^Tfie Abolition of the itlate Trade.— The future State of the West Indits,— J Africa, — oj the whole World. — The Millennium.

Was there no Mercy, mother of the slave !

No friendly hand to succour and to save,

While Commerce thus thy captive tribes oppress'd,

And lowering Vengeance linger'd o'er the west ?


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