Page:The West Indies, and Other Poems.djvu/64

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��' Go forth, my sons, through heathen realms pro-

  • claim
  • Mercy to sinners in a Saviour's name :'

Thus spake the Lord ; they heard, and they obey'd; — Greenland lay wrapt in natm-e's heaviest shade ; Thither the ensign of the cross they bore ; The gaunt barbariars met them on the shore; With joy and wonder hailinj:; from afar, Through polar storms, the light of Jacob's star.

Where roll Ohio's streams, Missouri's floods. Beneath the umbrage of eternal woods. The Red Man roam'd, a hunter-warrior wild ; On him the everlasting Gospel smiled ; His heart was awed, confounded, pierced, subdued, Divinely melted, moulded, and renew'd ; The bold base Savage, nature's harshest clod, Rose from the dust the image of his God.

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