Page:The Whisper on the Stair by Lyon Mearson (1924).djvu/207

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an afterthought. Val was beginning to be sure that the secret of the hiding place lay in the books.

“We’ll go with him, if he goes,” announced Jessica.

“Maybe,” assented Val doubtfully. They walked in silence for a moment or two then, turning this phase of it over in their minds. If Teck was to be there to-morrow—and that seemed probable⸺

“Why not go to-night?” asked Val suddenly, carrying out this reasoning.

“To-night—to that house?” she asked slowly. Then, “Why not? We can forestall him that way⸺”

“All right, it’s a go,” said Val. “I’m going back to the hotel to see my man—I’ll bring him back with me—I’ll get out about eight-thirty. Is that all right?”

She nodded. “Yes, that’ll be fine.”

They were almost at the house now.

“Well, so long for now,” said Val, running for his car. He waved his hand at her.

“So long,” she waved back at him. He started the car and was off.

Before jerking out of sight around a curve he looked back once. At the front door stood Jessica, gazing after him—next to her stood the giant, nonchalant, careless figure of Ignace Teck.