Page:The Whisper on the Stair by Lyon Mearson (1924).djvu/271

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It was almost like a nightmare. Val sat up in bed and called to Eddie.

“Asleep, Eddie?” he asked.

“What is it, sir?” came back a sleepy voice.

“The Bible—it’s stolen again,” said Val.

There was a scuffle—Eddie leaping out of bed. “It would be, sir,” he said, coming into the room. “Shall I go and get it? That book has traveled more⸺”

“No, don’t bother, Eddie. Let them have it,” replied Val. “I’m too tired to bother about it.”

“I know, sir,” remonstrated Eddie, awake now. “But the dope about the money—they might uncover that⸺”

“I think not, Eddie,” yawned Val sleepily. He reached under his pillow.

“You see,” he said, “I rather expected a visit some time to-night. He won’t be suspicious if he has the Bible—and I don’t mind.” He handed Eddie a sheet of paper he had produced from under his pillow. It was the page of the Bible containing the data indicated by Peter Pomeroy, neatly cut out.

“Good night, sir,” said Eddie.