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salt, one teaspoonful of pepper, one teaspoonful of made mustard, one teacupful of vinegar, half a teacupful of oil.

Mix all well together, and serve with a lump of ice in the middle.

"Common Sense in the Household." CHICKEN SALAD.

BOIL the fowls tender and remove all the fat, gristle and skin; mince the meat in small pieces, but do not hash it. To one chicken put twice and a half its weight in celery, cut in pieces of about one- quarter of an inch; mix thoroughly and set it in a cool place the ice chest.

In the meantime prepare a "Mayonnaise dressing," and when ready for the table pour this dressing over the chicken and celery, tossing and mixing it thoroughly. Set it in a cool place until ready to serve. Garnish with celery tips, or cold hard-boiled eggs, lettuce leaves, from the heart, cold boiled beets or capers, olives.

Crisp cabbage is a good substitute for celery ; when celery is not to be had use celery vinegar in the dressing. Turkey makes a fine

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PREPARE a sauce with the coral of a fine, new lobster, boiled fresh for about half an hour. Pound and rub it smooth, and mix very grad- ually with a dressing made from the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, a tablespoonful of made mustard, three of salad oil, two of vinegar, one of white powdered sugar, a small teaspoonful of salt, as much black pepper, a pinch of cayenne and yolks of two fresh eggs. Next fill your salad bowl with some shred lettuce, the better part of two leaving the small curled centre to garnish your dish with. Mingle with this the flesh of your lobster, torn, broken or cut into bits sea- soned with salt and pepper and a small portion of the dressing. Pour over the whole the rest of the dressing ; put your lettuce-hearts down the centre and arrange upon the sides slices of hard-boiled eggs.


USING canned lobsters, take a can, skim off all the oil on the sur- face, and chop the meat up coarsely on a flat dish. Prepare the same way six heads of celery ; mix a teaspoonful of mustard into a smooth paste with a little vinegar ; add yolks of two fresh eggs ; a tablespoon- ful of butter, creamed, a small teaspoonful of salt, the same of pep-

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