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Green corn left over from dinner makes a nice breakfast dish, prepared as follows : Cut the corn from the cob, and put into a bowl with a cup of milk to every cup of corn, a half cup of flour, one egg, a pinch of salt, and a little butter. Mix well into a thick batter, and fry in small cakes in very hot butter. Serve with plenty of butter and

powdered sugar.


THIS is a Virginia dish. Scrape the substance out of twelve ears of tender, green, uncooked corn (it is better scraped than grated, as you do not get those husky particles which you cannot avoid with a grater) ; add yolks and whites, beaten separately, of four eggs, a tea- spoonful of sugar, the same of flour mixed in a tablespoonf ul of but- ter, a small quantity of salt and pepper, and one pint of milk. Bake about half or three-quarters of an hour.


TAKE a dozen ears of green sweet corn, very tender and juicy; cut off the kernels, cutting with a large sharp knife from the top of the cob down; then scrape tLe cob. Put the corn in a saucepan over the fire with just enough water to make it cook without burning; boil about twenty minutes, then add a teacupful of milk or cream, a table- spoonful of cold butter, and season with pepper and salt. Boil ten minutes longer and dish up hot in a vegetable dish. The corn would be much sweeter if the scraped cobs were boiled first in the water that the corn is cooked in.

Many like corn cooked in this manner, putting half corn and half tomatoes; either way is very good.


CUT the corn off the cob, taking care not to bring off any of the husk with it and to have the grains as separate as possible. Pry in a little butter just enough to keep it from sticking to the pan; stir very often. When nicely browned, add salt and pepper and a little rich cream. Do not set it near the stove after the cream is added, as it will be apt to turn. This makes a nice dinner or breakfast dish.


STRIP off all the husk from green corn and roast it on a gridiron over a bright fire of coals, turning it as one side is done. Or, if a


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