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sugar. Cook all together until soft and smooth. When cold spread between layers of cake.


FOUR tablespoonfuls of very finely chopped citron, four table- spoonfuls of finely chopped seeded raisins, half a cupful of blanched almonds chopped fine, also a quarter of a pound of finely chopped figs, Beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth, adding half of a cupful of sugar ; then mix thoroughly into this the whole of the chopped in- gredients. Put it between the layers of cake when the cake is hot, so that it will cook the egg a little. This will be found delicious.


Two CTJPFULS of raised dough ; beat into it two-thirds of a cup of butter and two cups of sugar creamed together, three eggs, well beaten, one even teaspoonful of soda dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of milk, half a nutmeg grated, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, a tea- spoonful of cloves, one cup of raisins. Mix all well together, put in the beaten whites of eggs and raisins last ; beat all hard for several minutes ; put in buttered pans and let it stand half an hour to rise again before baking. Bake in a moderate oven. Half a glass of brandy is an improvement, if you have it convenient.

FRUIT CAKE. (Superior.)

THREE pounds dry flour, one pound sweet butter, one pound sugar, three pounds stoned raisins, two pounds currants, three-quarters of a pound sweet almonds blanched, one pound citron, twelve eggs, one tablespoonful allspice, one teaspoonful cloves, two tablespoonfuls cin- namon, two nutmegs, one wine-glass of wine, one wine-glass of brandy, one coffeecupful molasses with the spices in it; steep this gently twenty or thirty minutes, not boiling hot ; beat the eggs very lightly ; put the fruit in last, stirring it gradually, also a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a tablespoonful of water ; the fruit should be well floured ; if necessary add flour after the fruit is in; butter a sheet of paper and lay it in the pan. Lay in some slices of citron, then a layer of the mixture, then of citron again, etc., till the pan is nearly full. Bake

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