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CAKES. 317

evenly. When they are sufficiently cooked, raise them from the hot fat and drain them until every drop ceases dripping.


ONE and a half cupf uls of sugar, one cupful of sour milk, two eggs, two scant tablespoonfuls of melted butter, half a nutmeg grated, a large teaspoonful of cinnamon, a teaspoonf ul of salt and one of soda ; make a little stiffer than biscuit dough, roll out a quarter of an inch thick, and cut with a fried-cake cutter, with a hole in the centre. Fry in hot lard.

These can be made with sweet milk and baking powder, using two heaping teaspoonfuls of the baking powder in place of soda.


OLD-FASHIONED "raised doughnuts" are seldom seen nowadays, but are easily made. Make a sponge as for bread, using a pint of warm water or milk ? and a large half cupful of yeast; when the sponge is very light, add half a cupful of butter or sweet lard, a coffeecupf ul of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt and one small teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little water, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, a little grated nut- meg; stir in now two well-beaten eggs, add sifted flour until it is the consistency of biscuit dough, knead it well, cover and let rise ; then roll the dough out into a sheet half an inch thick, cut out with a very small biscuit-cutter, or in strips half an inch wide and three inches long, place them on greased tins, cover them well and let them rise before frying them. Drop them in very hot lard. Eaised cakes require longer time than cakes made with baking powder. Sift powdered sugar over them as fast as they are fried, while warm. Our grand- mothers put allspice into these cakes; that, however, is a matter of



WARM a teacupf ul of lard in a pint of milk ; when nearly cool add enough flour to make a thick batter and add a small cupful of yeast ; beat it well and set it to rise ; when light work in gradually and care- fully three cupfuls of sugar, the whipped whites of .six eggs, half a tea- spoonful of soda dissolved in a spoonful of milk, one teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon and half of a nutmeg grated ; then work in gradually enough flour to make it stiff enough to roll out ;

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