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Many baked pudding recipes are quite as good boiled. As a safe rule boil the pudding twice as long as you would bake it ; and remem- ber that a boiling pudding should never be touched after it is once put on the stove ; a jar of the kettle destroys the lightness of the pudding. If the water boils down and more must be added, it must be done so carefully that the mold will not hit the side of the kettle, and it must not be allowed to stop boiling for an instant.

Batter should never stick to the knife when it is sent to the table ; it will do this both when less than sufficient number of eggs is mixed with it and when it is not cooked enough ; about four eggs to the half pound of flour will make it firm enough to cut smoothly.

When baked or boiled puddings are sufficiently solid, turn them out of the dish they were baked in, bottom uppermost and strew over them finely sifted sugar.

When pastry or baked puddings are not done through, and yet the outside is sufficiently brown, cover them over with a piece of white paper until thoroughly cooked ; this prevents them from getting burnt.


PUT them in a sieve or colander and sprinkle them thickly with flour ; rub them well until they are separated, and the flour, grit and fine stems have passed through the strainer. Place the strainer and cur- rants in a pan of water and wash thoroughly; then lift the strainer and currants together, and change the water until it is clear. Dry the currants between clean towels. It hardens them to dry in an oven.


BREAK or cut in small pieces, sprinkle with sifted flour, and chop in a cold place to keep it from becoming sticky and soft.


PUT them in a dish and pour 'boiling water over them; cover and let them remain in it ten minutes ; it will soften so that by rubbing each raisin between the thumb and finger, the seeds will come out clean ; then they are ready for cutting or chopping if required.

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