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inon, a little nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Put into a deep pudding- dish, well buttered, set into a moderate oven ; stir it once or twice un- til it begins to cook, let it remain in the oven about two hours (until it is the consistency of cream). Eat cold.


ONE large teacupf ul of rice, a little water to cook it partially ; dry, line an earthen basin with part of it ; fill nearly full with pared, cored and quartered apples, or any fruit you choose ; cover with the balance of your rice ; tie a cloth tightly over the top and steam one hour. To be eaten with sweet sauce. Do not butter your dish.


ONE cupful of cold boiled rice, one cupful of sugar, four eggs, a pinch of soda and a pinch of salt. Put it all in a bowl and beat it up until it is very light and white. Beat four ounces of butter to a cream, put it into the pudding and ten drops of essence of lemon. Beat al- together for five minutes. Butter a mold, pour the pudding into it and boil for two hours. Serve with sweet fruit sauce.


WASH two teacupf uls of rice and soak it in water for half an hour ; then turn off the water and mix the rice with half a pound of raisins stoned and cut in halves ; add a little salt, tie the whole in a cloth, leav- ing room for the rice to swell to twice its natural size, and boil two hours in plenty of water ; serve with wine sauce.


WASH two teacupfuls of rice and boil it in one teacupful of water and one of milk, with a little salt ; if the rice is not tender when the milk and water are absorbed, add a little more milk and water ; when the rice is tender, flavor with vanilla, form it into balls, or mold it into a compact form with little cups ; place these rice balls around the inside of a deep dish, fill the dish with a rich soft custard and serve either hot or cold. The custard and balls should be flavored with the same.

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