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pound of black cherries, as they make the color of the preserve very rich. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, apricots, cherries (sweet and sour), peaches, plums, are all used, and, if you like, currants and grapes. Plums and grapes should be peeled and seeded, apricots and peaches peeled and cut in quarters or eighths or dice; cherries also must be seeded; quinces may be steamed until tender. The jar must be kept in a cool, dry place, and the daily stirring must never be for- gotten, for that is the secret of success. You may use as much of one sort of fruit as you like, and it may be put in from day to day, just as you happen to have it. Half the quantity of spirits may be used. The preserve will be ready for use within a week after the last fruit is put in, and will keep for a number of months. We have found it good eight months after making.

The second is as follows : Take some pure white vinegar and mix with it granulated sugar until a syrup is formed quite free from acid- ity. Pour this syrup into earthen jars and put in it good, perfectly ripe fruit, gathered in dry weather. Cover the jars tight and put them in a dry place. The contents will keep for six or eight months, and the flavor of the fruit will be excellent.


CHERRIES,, strawberries, sliced pineapple, plums, apricots, gooseber- ries, etc., may be preserved in the following manner to be used the same as fresh fruit.

Gather the fruit before it is very ripe; put it in wide-mouthed bottles made for the purpose ; fill them as full as they will hold and cork them tight ; seal the corks ; put some hay in a large saucepan, set in the bottles, with hay between them to prevent their touching ; then fill the saucepan with water to the necks of the bottles, and set it over the fire until the water is nearly boiled, then take it off ; let it stand until the bottles are cold. Keep them in a cool place until wanted, when the fruit will be found equal to fresh.


A NEW method of preserving fruit is practiced in England. Pears, apples and other fruits are reduced to a paste by jamming, which is then pressed into cakes and gently dried. When required for use it is only necesary to pour four times their weight of boiling water over

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