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Equal parts of ground mustard and flour made into a paste with warm water, and spread between two pieces of muslin, form the in- dispensable mustard plaster.

A Ginger Poultice. This is made like a mustard poultice, using ground ginger instead of mustard. A little vinegar is sometimes added to each of these poultices.

A Stramonium Poultice. Stir one tablespoonful of Indian meal into a gill of boiling water and add one tablespoonful of bruised stra- monium seeds.

Wormwood and Arnica are sometimes applied in poultices. Steep the herbs in half a pint of cold water and when all their virtue is ex- tracted stir in a little bran or rye meal to thicken the liquid ; the herbs must not be removed from the liquid.

This is a useful application for sprains and bruises.

Linseed Poultice. Take four ounces of powdered linseed and gradually sprinkle it into a half pint of hot water.


AN excellent remedy for boils is water of a temperature agreeable to the feelings of the patient. Apply wet linen to the part affected and frequently renew or moisten it. It is said to be the most effectual remedy known. Take inwardly some good blood purifier.


YELLOW DOCK, root or leaves, steeped in vinegar, will cure the worst case of ringworm.

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