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Wind colic is promptly relieved by peppermint essence taken in a little warm water. For small children it may be sweetened. Pare- goric is also good.

For stomach cramps, ginger ale or a teasponful of the tincture of ginger in a half glass of water in which a half teaspoonf ul of soda has been dissolved.

Sickness of the stomach is most promptly relieved by drinking a teacupful of hot soda and water. If it brings the offending matter up, all the better.

A teaspoonful of ground mustard in a cupful of warm water is a prompt and reliable emetic, and should be resorted to in cases of pois- oning or cramps in the stomach from over-eating.

Avoid purgatives or strong physic, as they not only do no good, but are positively hurtful. Pills may relieve for the time, but they sel- dom cure.

Powdered resin is the best thing to stop bleeding from cuts. After the powder is sprinkled on, wrap the wound with soft cotton cloth. As soon as the wound begins to feel feverish, keep the cloth wet with cold water.

Eggs are considered one of the best remedies for dysentery. Beaten up slightly, with or without sugar, and swallowed, they tend lay their emollient qualities to lessen the inflammation of the stomach and intes- tines, and by forming a transient coating on those organs, enable Na- ture to resume her healthful sway over the diseased body. Two, or at most, three eggs per day, would be all that is required in ordinary cases ; and, since the egg is not merely medicine, but food as well, the lighter the diet otherwise, and the quieter the patient is kept, the more certain and rapid is the recovery.

Hot water is better than cold for bruises. It relieves pain quickly, and by preventing congestion often keeps off the ugly black and blue mark. " Children cry for it," when they experience the relief it af- fords their bumps and bruises.

For a sprained ankle, the whites of eggs and powdered alum made into a plaster is almost a specific.


SPINACH has a direct effect upon complaints of the kidneys; the common dandelion, used as greens, is excellent for the same trouble ;

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