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HALF a pint of gin, half a pound of honey, half a pound of soft soap, one-eighth of a pint of water.

Mix the above ingredients together ; then lay each breadth of silk upon a clean kitchen table or dresser, and scrub it well on the soiled side with the mixture. Have ready three vessels of cold water ; take each piece of silk at two corners, and dip it up and down in each ves- sel, but do not wring it ; and take care that each breadth has one vessel of quite clean water for the last dip. Hang it up dripping for a min- ute or two, then dab in a cloth, and iron it quickly with a very hot iron.

Where the lace or silk is very much soiled, it is best to pass them through a warm liquor of bullock's gall and water; rinse in cold water ; then take a small piece of glue, pour boiling water on it, and pass the veil through it, clap it, and frame to dry. Instead of fram- ing, it may be fastened with drawing-pins closely fixed upon a very clean paste, or drawing-board.


ONE of the things "not generally known," at least in this country, is the Parisian method of cleaning black silk ; the modus operandi is very simple, and the result infinitely superior to that achieved in any other manner. The silk must be thoroughly brushed and wiped with a cloth, then laid flat on a board or table, and well sponged with hot coffee, thoroughly freed from sediment by being strained through muslin. The silk is sponged on the side intended to show ; it is allowed to become partially dry, and then ironed on the wrong side. The cof- fee removes every particle of grease, and restores the brilliancy of silk, without imparting to it either the shiny appearance or crackly and papery stiffness obtained by beer, or, indeed, any other liquid. The silk really appears thickened by the process, and this good effect is permanent. Our readers who will experimentalize on an apron or cravat, will never again try any other method.


WASH in u arm soap-suds and rinse in water a very little blued ; if the feather is white, then let the wind dry it. When the curl has come out by washing the feather or getting it damp, place a hot flat- iron so that you can hold the feather just above it while curling. Take

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