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save all the juice in the other; place them, shells and all, on a hot platter, and send to table hot, to be seasoned by each person with butter and pepper to taste. If the oysters are fine, and they are iust cooked enough and served all hot, this is, par excellence, the style,


PUT one quart of oysters in a basin with their own liquor and let them boil three or four minutes ; season with a little salt, pepper and a heaping spoonful of butter. Serve on buttered toast.


WASH and drain a quart of counts or select oysters ; put them in a shallow pan and place in a steamer over boiling water ; cover and steam till they are plump, with the edges ruffled, but no longer. Place in a heated dish, with butter, pepper and salt, and serve.


WASH and place them in an air-tight vessel, laying them the upper shell downward, so that the liquor will not run out when they open. Place this dish or vessel over a pot of boiling water where they will get the steam. Boil them rapidly until the shells open, about fifteen to twenty minutes. Serve at once while hot, seasoned with butter,

salt and pepper.


CUT some stale bread in thin slices, taking off all the crust, round the slices to fit patty-pans ; toast, butter, place them in the pans and moisten with three or four teaspoonfuls of oyster liquor; place on the toast a layer of oysters, sprinkle with pepper, and put a small piece of butter on top of each pan ; place all the pans in a baking-pan, and place in the oven, covering tightly. They will cook in seven or eight minutes if the oven is hot ; or, cook till the beards are ruffled ; remove the cover, sprinkle lightly with salt, replace, and cook one minute longer. Serve in patty pans. They are delicious.

Ntw York Stytt. PAN OYSTERS. No. 2.

LAY in a thin pie tin or dripping-pan half a pint of large oysters, or more if required ; have the pan large enough so that each oyster will lie flat on the bottom ; put in over them a little oyster liquor, but

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