13. Prof. Frank L. Van Cleef, Cornell University: Confusion of δέκα and τέσσαρες in Thucydides.
14. Dr. B. Newhall, Brown University: Women's speech in classical literature.
15. Prof. E. G. Sihler, University of the City of New York: St. Paul and the Lex lulia de vi.
16. Dr. James M. Paton, Cambridge, Mass.: Some Spartan families under the Empire.
17. Prof. H. W. Magoun, Oberlin College: Pliny's Laurentine villa.
18. Prof. John Williams White, Harvard University: The pre-Themistoclean wall at Athens.
19. Prof. Hermann Collitz, Bryn Mawr College: The etymology of ἄρα and of μάψ.Third Special Session.
Saturday, December 29, at 9.45 a. m.
21. Prof. Benjamin I. Wheeler, Cornell University: The Greek duals in ε.
22. Prof. John Henry Wright, Harvard University: A note on Alexander Polyhistor (Eusebius, Chron. I. 15, 16).
23. Prof. Herbert Weir Smyth, Bryn Mawr College: On Greek tragic anapæsts.
24. Prof. A. V. Williams Jackson, Columbia College: Two ancient Persian names in Greek, Ἀρταύκτης and Φαιδύμη.
25. Dr. Mortimer Lamson Earle, Barnard College: Some remarks on the moods of will in Greek.
26. Prof. Edwin W. Fay, Washington and Lee University: Aryan gn = Latin mn.
27. Prof. Carl Darling Buck, University of Chicago: The passive in Oscan-Umbrian.
28. Prof. W. J. Battle, University of Texas: Magical curses written on lead tablets.8