8. Rev. John P. Peters, New York: The excavations of the Babylonian expedition at the temple of Bel in Nippur.
9. Prof. Allan Marquand, Princeton University: A study in Greek architectural proportions.
10. Prof. Myron R. Sanford, Middlebury College: The new faun of the Quirinal.
11. Prof. W. C. Lawton, Philadelphia: Accretions to the Troy myth after Homer.
12. Mr. BarR Ferree, Brooklyn: Architecture of mediæval houses in France.
13 and 14. Prof. A. L. Frothingham, Jr., Princeton University: Byzantine influence upon Mediæval Italy. The ivory throne at Ravenna.
15. Mr. William Rankin, Jr., Princeton University: Some early Italian pictures in American galleries.,
16. Prof. Alfred Emerson, Cornell University: The archæology of Athenian politics in the fifth century b. c.
17. Prof. Federico Halbherr, University of Rome, presented a paper (numbered 7) at the Joint Session of Friday morning.