15. Contributions from the Atharva-Veda to the theory of Sanskrit verbal accent. JAOS., vol. 5, pp. 385-419. [The nāgarī type in this article was set by Mr. Whitney's own hand.] [Translated by A. Kuhn into German in Kuhn and Schleicher's Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sprachforshung, vol. 1, part 2, pp. 187-222, 1857.]
[16.] Brief biography of R. Lepsius as introduction to J. S. Ropes's critique of Lepsius's Das allgemeine linguistische Alphabet. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 13, pp. 681-684.
17. Atharva-Veda-Sanhitā, herausgegeben von R. Roth und W. D. Whitney. Part 1, 1855; part 2, 1856; royal 8°, vi + 458 pp.
18. Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Versanfänge der Atharva-Samhitā. Weber's Indische Studien (Berlin), vol. 4, pp. 9-64.
[18a?] Statement and appeal of the American Oriental Society.
[This elaborate and forcible document appears, from internal evidence and from the statements in JAOS., vol. 6, pp. 578 and 579 (Minutes of meetings of May, 1857 and Oct. 1857), to have been issued in the winter of 1857-58. It is the report of the Committee on the mode of increasing the efficiency of the Society, made "through the Corresponding Secretary" (W. D. W.). It is signed by Edward Robinson, Theodore D. Woolsey, Rufus Anderson, C. C. Felton, E. E. Salisbury, James Hadley, and W. D. Whitney; but I think there can be little doubt that all or nearly all of the actual work of preparing the report is to be credited to Mr. Whitney. — C. R. L.].
[This elaborate and forcible document appears, from internal evidence and from the statements in JAOS., vol. 6, pp. 578 and 579 (Minutes of meetings of May, 1857 and Oct. 1857), to have been issued in the winter of 1857-58. It is the report of the Committee on the mode of increasing the efficiency of the Society, made "through the Corresponding Secretary" (W. D. W.). It is signed by Edward Robinson, Theodore D. Woolsey, Rufus Anderson, C. C. Felton, E. E. Salisbury, James Hadley, and W. D. Whitney; but I think there can be little doubt that all or nearly all of the actual work of preparing the report is to be credited to Mr. Whitney. — C. R. L.].
19. The British in India. New Englander, vol. 16, pp. 100-141. (Reprinted, O&LS., No. 181.)
[20.] On the history of religions in China. PAOS. for May, pp. 7-8, not included in the Journal.
[21.] Upon the Vedic doctrine of a future life. PAOS. for November, p. 6, not included in the Journal. (Cf. No. 24.)