107. A Compendious German Grammar, with supplement of exercises. New York, 12°, xvi + 252 + 51 pp. [This description does not fit the very first edition, which is without the supplement.]
[108.] On Prof. Max Müller's Translation of the Rig-Veda. PAOS. for October, = JAOS., vol. 9, p. lxiv. (Cf. No. 133.)
[109-111.] Reviews—in the North American Review, vol. 108, pp. 290-296—of: C. S. Wake's Chapters on man; John Chalmers's The origin of the Chinese; G. Pauthier's Mémoires sur l'antiquité de l'histoire et de la civilisation Chinoises.
[112-113.] Reviews—Ibidem, vol. 108, pp. 655-661—of: Hunter's The annals of rural Bengal; Hunter's A comparative dictionary of the languages of India and High Asia.
[113a.] Review of John D. Baldwin's Pre-historic nations. Ihidem, vol. 109, pp. 594-596.
[114-118.] Reviews—in The Nation— of: Hunter's The annals of rural Bengal; Bholonauth Chunder's The travels of a Hindoo to various parts of Bengal and Upper India; F. Lorinser's Die Bhagavad-Gītā; S. Beal's Travels of Fah-hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India; W. H. J. Bleek's On the origin of language (this last, reprinted, O&LS., No. 164).
[119.] Obituary of August Schleicher, The Nation, January 28.
[119a.] The Philological Convention. The Nation, August 9, 1869. [Notes and comments upon the first convention of the APA., which took place at Poughkeepsie, 1869. Cf. No. 122a.]1870.